The Graduate Employees Organizing Committee (GEOC) is hosting “A Day Without Grad Workers” on January 29th to rally support for upcoming contract negotiations.
The GEOC is scheduled to begin bargaining for a new contract with the Wayne State University in February 2025. The union will advocate for increased pay, fairer working conditions, and better protections for international students.
In order for our bargaining demands to be taken seriously, graduate employees need to show the administration that we have strength in numbers—that we are united in our demands across departments, divisions, and job classifications—and that we are willing to fight for them.
Our first bargaining rally, A Day Without Grad Workers, will take place in the lobby of the Faculty Administration Building from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on January 29th.
This event highlights how many hours of teaching, research, and volunteer service would be lost at Wayne State if all graduate employees ceased working for one day.
Graduate employees from across the university who have been affected by contractual issues or institutional mistreatment are invited to come share their stories. We’re also encouraging Graduate Teaching Assistants to bring their classes to FAB, host office hours in the lobby, or share these informational slides with their classes on January 29th.
Students, faculty, staff, and community members who attend will have an opportunity to sign a letter in support of GEOC. A digital letter of support can be signed online.
GEOC will also give away limited edition “Day Without Grad Workers” t-shirts to graduate employees, students, and faculty ($10 suggested donation). Light snacks will also be available.

About GEOC
The Graduate Employees Organizing Committee is the union representing Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Student Assistants at Wayne State University. Since 1998, we’ve been fighting to improve working conditions and protect the rights of graduate employees across the university.
Being a union member allows graduate employees have a say in deciding the direction that your work takes here at WSU. It gives you the right to vote for (and run for!) steering committee positions, contract priorities, and more. Just as importantly, it's a vehicle for building solidarity at work. The union is not a third-party agency or outside interest group: it is all of us, volunteering our time to advocate for better working conditions. You can sign a union card to become a member here.
If you're not sure of your membership status, want more information on getting involved, or otherwise want to get in touch, reach out!